Shipping Updates
Updated 1/25
Shipping Updates:
Year of RINA KENT Spotlight Box: en route to our warehouse! Estimated shipping February.
Reminder: Our goal for the sub books is to ship them in the month they are scheduled for, unfortunately that may not always be the case. We will always update any shipping information as we receive it.
Beneath Black Sails: shipping complete!
The Mate Games: Death: shipping complete!
Beasts of the Briar: Quality check is complete. Waiting on page overlays.
Flame & Sparrow: shipping complete!
Lesson is Sin Leftovers: will finish shipping out on Monday.
God of Wrath & God of Ruin reprint: In production.
All Saints reprint: In production
God of Fury & God of War: Shipping to us this week. Estimated shipping February.
Monster Omnibus Reprint: Shipping to us this week. Estimated shipping February.
Four Horsemen: Shipping to us this week. Estimated shipping February.
Royal Elite part 2 (4-6): Shipping to us this week. Estimated shipping February.
The Legacy Series: In production.
The Ever King Series: In production.
Sin Omnibus: In production.
Covenant: In production.
Rule Breaker Series: In production.